Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lab Assignment 1

Map 1: The map of US at night

This map is taken at night. I first want to find a map like this because when I flew  to the eastern part of America and got back to LA during the spring break, I was enjoyed watching the beautiful night view from the window on the flight in the high sky. It was really beautiful.
This map shows how lightness for different areas in US.
It is lighter in the east part of America, and also some part of western part. It's amazing beautiful at night.


Map 2: Flight map



This two maps are the flight map during day and night. The different lines show every flight's route inside the US or some of them are also outside the US.
I found this interesting because I can't believe that everyday there are so many fights during a day. And what even makes my curious is that why every time I on a flight, I can't see any other planes in the sky. How big the sky is! Where are the other planes due to such a busy flights map as shown above.

Map 3:  Old Map of the World

This is an original map created in 1565 which shows the known world of the day. This old map gives an incredible view of the New World, recently discovered by Columbus. The map has a lot of interesting artwork, including pictures of period ships sailing the ocean.


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